
In addition to individual spiritual direction, I offer workshops for groups, organizations, and the community.

People walk away from my workshops with more than answers — they learn tools, methods, and habits that can be used every day when facing a decision, roadblock, or curiosity.

“You helped with thought provocation.”

– “Authenticity Maps” workshop participant

These workshops fall under the broader umbrellas of career coaching, personal development, meditation, and self-care. They provide ways to dive beneath the surface to help you learn what’s motivating or blocking you. Workshop participants frequently share that they’re surprised at what they learn about themselves and find new insights.

All workshops are interactive, and discernment is at the heart of them all. More than decision making, discernment is an intentional, life-long process of determining what brings a person closer to their authentic self. Workshops introduce participants to basic tenets of discernment, and then use different meditations and activities to lead participants deeper into their discernment journey. No experience with discernment required. No religious or spiritual affiliation, tradition, or practice necessary.

“Thank you for this experience. The workshop really made me think about things I don’t usually take time to think about and see it in ways I don’t usually see things.”

– “Using Stories to Deepen Discernment” workshop participant
Large group discussion during “Finding Your Entrepreneurial Spirit” workshop. Photo credit: Derek Keyeski.

Workshops include:

Authenticity Maps: Creating a Path to Integrity

Are you being faced with a decision that feels big, even impossible? “Which college should I attend? What’s best for me in a particular relationship? How can I heal and move forward from a painful experience? Should I start a new career?” Authenticity Maps are a way to visually represent personal decision-making processes with a focus on identifying roadblocks, opportunities, and next steps that lead to authenticity.

Finding Your Entrepreneurial Spirit: Using Discernment to Align Your Values with Entrepreneurship

If you’re an entrepreneur, this workshop is for you. Entrepreneurship is a tricky word to define because it means different things for different people. This workshop gives you time, space, and tools to learn what entrepreneurship means to you. You’ll get to know your Entrepreneurial Spirit, which is made up of your values and commitments. Once you know your Entrepreneurial Spirit, you’ll be better equipped to network, pitch investors, pursue costumer discovery, and create MVPs.

Discerning Your Paths: Key Moments & Next Steps

This workshop offers a way to develop value-based decision making. Through a series of activities, you’ll reflect on key moments in your life and the patterns and themes that emerge from them. You’ll explore how those key moments shape your values, what new values you hold, and what, if any, values you need to let go of.

“Thanks for your work and enthusiasm for sharing this technique.”

– “Authenticity Maps” workshop participant

Using Stories to Deepen Discernment

Stories connect us to each other, to our past, to our future, and to our deeper self. The stories we’re attracted to, intrigued by, and even repelled by teach us about what we value and desire and where we might be unfree. Guided by the work of Diana Millis, this workshop invites you to write your own story, reflect on the stories of others, and, together, plumb the riches of the stories we tell.

Have a topic for a workshop you’d like me to develop? Would your employees, organizations, students, or community members benefit from a workshop? Contact me. All workshops are tailored to fit participants’ interests and needs.